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Sonic 2 Fan Reviews

Discuss this movie. In theaters on April 8, 2022

Sonic 2 Fan Reviews

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:26 pm

I think we need an area here
To let fans
Say how they
Feel about
Sonic 2
I haven’t seen it yet
But those who have
Can share
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Canadian Jayne
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Re: Sonic 2 Fan Reviews

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:24 am

I saw it this weekend
EversoWorth it!
I was going to wait until Monday
I couldn’t
I cycled up to the theatre
Most kids had parents there
But this almost senior citizen
Hustled into the theatre
You have to choose your seat now
I still wore my mask
Most of time
It was terrific......then
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Canadian Jayne
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Re: Sonic 2 Fan Reviews

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:34 am

(I prefer to wear a mask in crowds)
Although in Ontario now we don’t have to
Anyway back to Sonic 2
Theatre was packed
Movie-moved really fast
Sometimes I’d see something then
Think “Wait, what did I just miss”
It’s a movie U definitely have to see again
Just to make sure u didn’t miss something
The first time
Well put together
Liked new weapons
And fury fighters twist
And definitely remember a lot of
Kids saying “Yes!.......to the reveal fanally”
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Canadian Jayne
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Re: Sonic 2 Fan Reviews

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:41 am

Saturday was a good night to go to theatre
Last time I went to theatre was
To see the first Sonic
So my first time back since COVID was
Worth seeing and buying video
If U like classics
When it comes out
All Actors Great great and great
They had 7000 people working
On this during COVID
Just amazing
To all 7000
Thanks so much
Job well done!
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Canadian Jayne
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Re: Sonic 2 Fan Reviews

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Apr 14, 2022 2:42 am

“Surprise blessing”
I really wanted to go to see Sonic with
My grandchildren but it
Didn’t work out
One of my children has a blended family
So it wasn’t some of my grandchildren’s
Turn for this weekend to be home
When I went to see my grand children this week
They said “we saw you at Sonic”
I said “”What? Ya I went to see Sonic”
They were in the theatre too and
Saw me
We were in the same row
I was in middle they were on end
I didn’t see them but
They saw me
All I cud do was laugh
I asked if they saw the end surprise
They said no
They left b4 the credits
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Canadian Jayne
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