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Liar Liar

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Postby Cheryl Anna » Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:41 pm

this is one of my favorites.
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Postby Edward Nygma » Tue Oct 12, 2004 1:50 pm

I'm a rocket scientist and this film definitely influenced me to be a Liar.
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Postby samurai_cable » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:34 pm

:lol: Good one Edward :D

Believe it or not, I can't really lie anymore... I think it's because I lied too much when I was young... it was soo stupid... i was trying to boost my self confidence.... well i guess that didn't work... so now I'm tired of lying.

Anyway! This is one of the movies that started my craze for Jim Carrey. I've watched it like 15 times or something and it cracks me up everytime I see it. It cheered me up when I was soo very depressed. I also got really sad when the vcd got stuck in the vcd player...... i had to get it out with chopsticks... (damn you stuffed up vcd player!!)..... so i got scratches all over it now... :cry:

But hey! it still works! And I really think I should get the dvd...
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Postby Edward Nygma » Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:15 pm

I think so too! :D Chopsticks! That must have been a ball breaker huh?
Mister E. (aka Cablo Gula)

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Postby samurai_cable » Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:22 am

Oh yes, they're very handy at times :D Being Chinese and all, I'm proud I have like a huge bunch of em in the kitchen drawer.

Let's see... what else did I use chopsticks for... I tried getting my toothbrush out of the bathroom sink with chopsticks... let's just say you shouldn't use those chopsticks anymore... gross... :o
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Postby Edward Nygma » Sat Oct 23, 2004 2:06 pm

Gross indeed!
I'm so useless with chopsticks! Everytime I go to a chinese restaurant I try to use them and I end up spilling everything on my shirt! How pathetic am I?
(note to self: =; Woah Adam, don't open THAT door!)

Where do you come from in China?
Mister E. (aka Cablo Gula)

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Postby carreypunkrawker » Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:57 am

lol. yeah, sometimes when I use chop sticks, my food ends up across the room in someone's drink, hair, or their plate. I'm useless with Chopsticks too.

and when I pull them apart most of the time, I'll end up breaking them. People kind of scoff when I break them but I just say "yeah, just call me GRACE from now on, will ya?"
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Postby samurai_cable » Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:51 am

lol :D in Japan, if you break the wooden chopsticks perfectly, it means good luck. (As i've seen in a funny anime)

I'm from Hong Kong, a place ONLY and ONLY for travelling...

"DO NOT go in there." well, in this case, just don't live there. It's a nightmare. Melbourne is MUCH better. Sure there's cheap stuff, but people spit from the trams(double-deckered)... you never know when you get hit...

So glad I'm not living there anymore... \:D/
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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:17 pm

Hehe, in our last English test we had something about Hong Kong, too. But only a comparision between Hong Kong and other countries.
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Postby samurai_cable » Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:40 am

Yeah? Hehe, Hong Kong small, other countries big, Hong Kong DIRTY, other countries clean :D It keeps on going and going. Nice question for a test :D

which reminds of that math test I just had today... I didn't know how to do the last question... but oh well, it's over now. It's actually the last test for year 11... and then it's the exams... great..

The claw's only weakness is sub-zero temperatures... if only the claw could defeat my exams..... this makes no sense whatsoever.. but that's ok... It's goooooood. :bruce:
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Postby Edward Nygma » Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:32 pm


Well, it does make sense, in a "it doesn't make any sense" kind of way!
have you ever played this sssssmokin' video game called Shenmue? Well, in the second one, the hero goes to Hong Kong and it looks actually pretty cool! I'd love to go there one day, maybe not to live, but to visit (I would bring a couple of forks of course!) May the Forks be with me!

Have you ever been to Kowloon? Coz in the game Kowloon looks really creepy and dodgy! It looks like the kind of town where you'll be able to say: "The guy with the rubber glove was surprisingly gentle!"....I have derailled haven't I? Oh well....
Mister E. (aka Cablo Gula)

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Postby samurai_cable » Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:30 pm

:lol: Yes, the forks will be with you :D lol :D doesn't matter if you've derailed... so have i ~

I've been to Kowloon... my grandma lives there :) I don't think it's as bad as the game though... or is it? The fact that I haven't played the game, but to me... Hong Kong and Kowloon sort of look the same. Tall buildings and tons of cars, buses and stuff. It's just that Kowloon doesn't have any trams... so in some way it's better; you don't get people spitting on you so much in Kowloon...

At night, everywhere in Hong Kong is dodgy I guess... Some streets are kinda gross... cockcroaches every now and then... gota watch out~ (remembering Ace Ventura) Yeah, visiting is cool. Make sure you go to Ocean Park... it's sort of the only theme park there is... of course, later on there's going to be Disneyland, but Ocean Park is way cheaper.. i think. :? I like Ocean Park...and i think i better go to bed......

Last day of school tomorrow!! And then it's studying... for ... exams... heh... :shock:

by the way... In Liar Liar, who is the baseball player who Fletcher claims to be when he's being pulled away by the security guard? Hosay Konsako? I have no idea how to spell it properly... And I also don't watch any baseball... hehe Spank you very much :D
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Postby Edward Nygma » Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:41 pm

I'mn Jose Conseco! I'm Jose Conseco!!!!!!

I think that's how it's written!
You should play Shenmue, it's my favourite video game ever!! Do you have a games console?
Mister E. (aka Cablo Gula)

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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Tue Oct 26, 2004 6:03 pm

I have Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube and Sega Mega Drive 2 but not many games for the Sega. I know what Shenmue is but I haven't played it because the videos and pictures I saw were not very interesting for me.
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Postby Riddler » Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:25 pm

I love this movie. When I saw it first time in movie theater, I laughed water coming out from my eyes. It is hilarious and I think that this is also the movie, which made me Jim Carrey-fan forever.
I´ve seen this movie at least 15 times or maybe even more and still it makes me laugh.

" The pen is blue, the pen is blue... the God damn pen is blue!!" I love that scene! :D
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