I just found out that all of us have a disease known as The Carreyholic Disease!
CARREYHOLIC: Kair-ree-hol-ik(n)1. A die-hard fan of Jim Carrey. 2. One who is addicted to the comedic and dramatic work of Jim Carrey. NOTE: Usually both definitions apply in a given Carreyholic case.
Sympyoms may include:
1. Analogies used in dialogue usually refer to actions done or words
Spoken by Jim Carrey himself or his characters.
2. An intese liking of the color green.
3. A complusion to surround one's self with as many different animals as
possible-even if allergic to them.
4. The subconscious and ingrained habit of using the phrase, "Alrighty,
Then" as a confirmer during general conversation.
5. The incorporation of various dance moves performed by Jim into one's
own dance style.
6. The desire to annoy as many film critics as possible.
7. Vibrantly joining in a conversation whenever the subject of Jim Carrey
or his films come up.
8. Knows more about Jim Carrey than the FBI.
9. All activities come to screeching halt when Jim Carrey is on T.V. for an
interview, awards presntation, ect.
10. A whole web site is carefully created and dedicated to Jim Carrey.
11. The game "Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon" has been modifed to
"Seven Degrees of Jim Carrey", and becomes a past time for
12. Seeing the trailer of a new Jim Carrey film becomes as equally
exciting as the release of the film itself.
13. Possesses every film and T.V. program that Jim has ever appeared
in - even the ones Jim thought he would never see again.
14. Face become MUCH more animated with expressions during a
15. Jim Carrey's birthday become a observed holiday.
16. Ace Ventura: PET DETECTIVE and WHEN NATURE CALLS become
supplementary film viewing for driver's education course.
17. An aquiring taste for grilled cheese dipped in ketchup.
I know for sure the I would test positve for this disease.