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Postby cotton » Sun Aug 10, 2003 12:32 am

does your husband ever read the things you put on here? Oh yeah, one more thing why are you being rude to the younger fans? Jim has fans of all ages and he doesn't treat them with disrespect. So why should you?<br> <br><br>P.S. When I was typing this I had to go back to JT's post cause I couldn't remember how to spell disrespect and I am 33 years old. So see age has nothing to do with how smart you are. <br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Carol

Postby cableclair » Sun Aug 10, 2003 7:10 am

This kind of freaks me <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :( --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/frown.gif ALT=":("><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> . <p>cableclair<br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.soiledmypants.com">www.soiledmypants.com</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><-- my site<br>Failure isn't failure unless you give up...</p><i></i>
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Re: Carol

Postby movielover » Sun Aug 10, 2003 12:47 pm

Yeah, this is kinda freaking me out too. All I can say is Carol, if you wonder why you have no friends here, take a look at yourself. The way you come across is scary. When I first came on here and read your posts, I thought you were a 14 year old girl but then you started saying how old you are and now I see that you are apparently married and I really feel that these girls are right. You do need help. And one more thing. Jim IS NOT GOD!!!!! If you think otherwise, you are scarier than I thought. Don't come on here and bad mouth others when they are just speaking the truth. At your age, you should be realistic enough to know that you are never going to marry a movie star. You shouldn't have to have 20 something girls tell you about real life. They are all more mature than you. Grow up and act your age! Sorry to be so harsh but I have been reading your posts and I have never seen anyone so obsessive and then you act like you should be treated like a non-stalker. Give us who don't know you a reason to believe that you're not!<br><br>Sara <p></p><i></i>
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Postby JimCarreysGal » Sun Aug 10, 2003 3:13 pm

*STANDING OVATION* thank you Jul and MovieLover! <br> Melissa<br><br>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~<br>"God is a mean kid sitting on an ant hill with a magnifying glass and im the ant he could fix my life in 5 minutes if he wanted to but he rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm!" ~ Bruce Almighty Jim Carrey~<br><br>"Thank God you werent hurt" " God yea lets thank god shall we,for his blessings are raining down upon me, WAIT THATS NOT RAIN!" ~Bruce Almighty Jim Carrey and Jennifer Aniston~<br><br>"I'll be back" " Hasta La Vista... Baby" ~Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminators) (FYI: 2nd hottest man alive!.....And I Hope He Wins Governor!)<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby JT Carrey » Sun Aug 10, 2003 4:07 pm

Well, I'm not saying she can't marry a movie star cuz anyone can <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> *nervous laugh* but I'm saying basically what you said movielover, grow up and respect others. <p><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:green;">~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:purple;">J.T. Carrey =0)</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:magenta;font-family:arial;font-size:x-small;">"It's better to go after something special and risk starving to death than to surrender, if you give up your dreams, what's left?"</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:teal;">- James Eugene Carrey</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--><br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.geocities.com/jt_carrey"><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:purple;"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>~*~My Website~*~</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.geocities.com/jimcarreyfanjt"><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:green;"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>~*~Jim Carrey Extreme~*~</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/biker.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/figleaf.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/luke.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/bill.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/vera.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/ace.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/mask.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/lloyd.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/riddler.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/chip.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/fletcher.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/truman.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/andy.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/tony.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/charlie.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/hank.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/grinch.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></p><i></i>
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Re: I agree with everyone Carol about your attitude

Postby JimCarreyschick » Sun Aug 10, 2003 5:49 pm

I have to agree with Cable Claire, JT Carrey, Movielover, and Cotton some of the stuff on this board is much too rude. If you come this board you should act your age and stop insulting everyone and I though I was bad with loving Jim Carrey, you're worse then I am and he's not god okay? He's a human being with real feelings and thoughts just like everyone else and we love him for who he is and you should be more mature enough and know that because you 20 yrs older then us right? Why are you doing this in the first place?, If you're going to say anything on this board then you should think before you say it and if you aren't gonna say anything nice at all then don't bother coming on this board if you're gonna be like that with everyone because that's not what this message board is used for and if you treat us with respect we'll defenitly treat you with respect. Please do everyone a favour and please stop insulting us because it's very wrong, Act your age and respect other for who they are.<br><br>ps. I hope that I wasn't copying anyone but if I was, I'm very sorry I was just putting this in my own words.<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>" Is your number still 9-1-1? Alllllllllrighty then!"<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :aceb --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/ace.gif ALT=":aceb"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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*UHUM*. Here comes a speech.

Postby cableclair » Sun Aug 10, 2003 6:15 pm

<br>HOLD IT!!<br><br>Let’s get a couple things straight here…And I know this is FRIGGING long but I’m trying to make a point here.<br> <br>Carol, before you start shouting, crying, explode in 18 letter font, I bet you’re pretty upset now with Juliette posting that chat but hey, badmouthing her like that the way you did with the last post in public, what would you EXPECT? That she would just sit down and be okay with it? Of course not! If you have a problem with someone, take my advice, discuss it with them DIRECTLY in staid of sharing it with the whole wide world to see on a public board generalizing EVERYONE on that board into two categories: the haters and the not haters.<br>Cause first of all I don’t want to have ANYTHING to do with any of that. I’ve had to deal with enough of that crap on primary and high school. I’m my own individual and not to be placed into any category. <br>You can’t be loved by everyone, that’s just something you have to deal with and stop whining about. <br>You are perfectly allowed to feel and say whatever you want, as long as you don’t expect everyone going along with it or liking it. It’s not something you can FORCE on someone. EVERYONE is allowed to have there own opinion. People will like you people will hate you. That’s life. For every Jim Carrey lover there is a Jim Carrey hater. For every Claartje lover there is someone who hates my guts. For every Carol lover there will be someone who will NOT like you, no matter WHAT you do or say or how you behave. Deal. Do you love and like everyone you meet? NO. You can’t expect the same from someone else.<br><br>Why are you accusing people from backstabbing while you are publicly Stabbing them on a public Message board? Isn’t that the exact same thing?<br><br>I try to be as openminded as possible about this.<br><br>I do not hate you Carol. I’m WORRIED about you and there are a couple of things I just totally do NOT agree on.<br><br>I’m worried, because reading the posts the way you post them, girl, something must be seriously funked up with your selfasteem if you are looking up SO much to someone you call them GOD. If you’re joking about it it’s okiedokie, but you seem to be bloody serious. If you’re loving someone SO much while already being in a relationship with someone else… it could be just me, but something has to be MISSING in that relationship else you wouldn’t look for it in someone else. That’s just what I believe. I might be a 21 year old knownothing but currently I’m experiencing a lot of marriage funked up ness from up close. <br>Is your husband REALLY okay with it? How would you feel if he had so much feelings for someone else? Isn’t he supposed to be loving you so much that he is at least a little jealous? Or worried his wonderful relationship with you might have this end coming? <br>I’m WORRIED. Like what would you do if he didn’t love you back? What would you do? I’m WORRIED for YOUR health and for JIMS health. <br>So, I think you should concider discussing with someone about all this. Someone who really listens. Discuss it with your husband WHAT you think you’d find with Jim that currently isn’t with your man. And then seriously concider if you’re happy being in the state you are now. <br><br>You are free to love whoever you want, but don’t expect that everyone is going to be all cheery about it. There are several ways of bringing the news to the world, and this method you’re, freedomly of speech are allowed to do, but you should understand that telling it people this way, they are going to freak out. Naturally. How would YOU react yourself if a complete stranger runs up to you and worships your feet and tell you you are God? Wouldn’t you get at least be a little uncomfortable with that? <br><br>Okay. Now I’m gonna write down this little personal anecdote thingie.<br> <br>Everybody makes the mistake of being uberly obsessed with someone once in their life. And the ones who don’t obviously have already done that in some life before this one or something. I could know. It cost me one of my best male buds. The major lesson I learned out of this the hard way is that you cannot force someone to love you. If it’s not there then it’s not there and it will never be there. You cannot force someone. Love is, like in Bruce a little something called FREE. WILL. I loved this guy, Leroy. He was in my acting class. more than anyone else was all puppylikedroolio’s over this man and behaved like an IDIOT. Secretly deep inside something knawded at me that it was quite an impossible thing but there was this hope even while he had already turned me down and behind my back people were laughing about my puppydroolyness. But there was also that knowing feeling deep inside that they might be right. And THAT is what made me close my eyes a little bit more for the barenaked evil truth, Carol. I didn’t want to know of that. Because if that little voice was right, if the people behind my back were right, MAN what an EGODUMP IT WOULD BE!!! So I just closed my eyes for it and acted more stupishly. And shout it even louder. And I can be wrong but I think that might be a little bit the case here with you, else you wouldn’t react on this all so explosively. I recognize it because I HAVE BEEN THERE. I was like that! I didn’t even yell it it was just all over my face when I was near him. And you are LUCKY that Jim doesn’t know about this. LUCKY. And I know from experience NOBODY can make you feel otherwise unless you flip that switch in your head yourself. You have to look it straight in the eyes. And yes it will hurt. Like a lot. But in the end, you will realize that a big huge ass heavy load has dropped off your shoulders. I laugh at my own sillyness now, and I’m still very bitter about that friendship dying like that. Ashamed that I behaved the way I did. Deep Deep Embarrassment. DEEP. It still stings. I cringe by the thought I rang his doorbell endless times. I was like a stalker. AUW! When I think of that one time I yelled his name through town a little too loud and enthousiasticly. He had tried to turn me down ENDLESS times. But I was like this pittbull. I just didn’t let go. Didn’t take no as an answer I had lost control. and WHAT did it bring me? <br>I lost him. Out of my life. He thinks I’m a freak. His family thinks I’m a freak. His friends think of me as a freak. Gone. <br>And boy were they right. Ab-so-lu-tly right. I WAS a freak. Now I wish I had never behaved like that, but if I hadn’t done that, back then, I wouldn’t have learned so much from it now. I’ve defenitly learned my lesson. You cannot worship ANYONE like that. I don’t worship Jim like that either, because I KNOW. That is NOT the way to go. And I truly love him. TRULY love him. I love him SO much… that I let him live in peace. If I’d push my love onto him the way you’re describing it in your messages he’d RUN. He’d RUN like mad. He’d see it as LUST. Read your posts as if you were a complete stranger Carol. Look into that mirror. Keep Jim in his value. Keep yourself in your value. Nobody is better than anyone, we all make our mistakes, we all have our messups. We all piss people off in some point of our life. We all freak people out. It’s all legimite as long as we TAKE our lessons out of it. You cannot force love like that on people no matter HOW much you love someone. People are not telling you all these things because they hate you. They want you to be happy and behave like the 40[er you are. Not like a 14 year old. If they wouldn’t CARE they wouldn’t even mention it. They would just keep it for themselves. <br>Gain back your control over your life. Don’t let your feelings for someone else LEAD your life. Cause now it looks like it. And that’s just a shame.<br><br>Little points to end with: 1) Actors are no LIARS that do not love. Yes. I’m a little hurt by this. Actors are actually the most REAL people you can bump into. They are generally very heartbroken people. The reason they are ACTORS is because they are so friggin sensitive they can FEEL so much emotions that they are capable of bringing them to the surface in a fingersnap. But they feel them. If you can’t feel love you can’t act it. <br><br>2) Peeps. If anyone has a problem with someone, please discuss it directly with that person in staid of publicly. I do not wish to be meddled in stuff that hasn’t to do with me.<br><br>3) Respect people of all ages. For we all can learn from an 80 year old, but different stuff from a 1 year old. You’re never to old to learn and never too young to know.<br><br>4) I love someone who’s 20 years older than me. And yes he’s a famous actor. I will never force it on him. I’ve learned my lesson with Leroy. I won’t bug peeps about it in public because I know the world is not ready for things like this. It’s a public nono. He’s not God. That’s what I love about him. He’s got good and bad sides. Yes I have a chance of one in a kazillion. And no he does not know who I am. See my middle finger? Look! I’ve got two! That’s to all who disagree and are shocked. It hurts yea, but in the end… I have to decide I don’t give a fart! If you can’t look at it, just look the other way. Talk about it behind my back, see if I care. It’s my life. My feelings. I’m learning not to be ashamed of them anymore. Miracles happen. And if he doesn’t love me back? I have to let him go.It would hurt, but that’s nothing new. Very heartbroken about my feelings as they are at the moment and there’s nothing I can do to heal it. That;s with love, if it’s all good it’s lovely. If it’s far away it’s pain. Life would be a lot easier for me if I didn’t love him. But right now, peeps, I just have to deal. What will happen? Life will tell. Good luck to all of you. Kiss and make up.<br> <p>cableclair<br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.soiledmypants.com">www.soiledmypants.com</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><-- my site<br>Failure isn't failure unless you give up...</p><i></i>
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Postby Nevrandil » Sun Aug 10, 2003 7:50 pm

Dunno what to say.. but .. Claar.. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> Luvya.. *hugs*.. and to the rest of you guysngirls... luvya2.. <br><br><br><br>And I have to agree with all the latest posts here.. don´t wanna repeat it so I only say:Thanx! <p></p><i></i>
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Goodbye Anonymous!

Postby cotton » Sun Aug 10, 2003 8:17 pm

Goodluck with your new love. Feel free to come back whenever you want. *Ducks really fast to avoid the flying fists*<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: You're welcome!

Postby AtlanTisM » Sun Aug 10, 2003 8:43 pm

This is addressed to Carol and J.T.: Do not use JCO's board as a way to publicly sort your private disputes. Either settle these matters directly with the persons involved or use a different board.<br><br>Specifically to Carol: Try to moderate your posts regarding how much you love Jim Carrey. We know it already.<br><br>To the rest of the community: Everyone's entitled to express an opinion unless it directly offends someone. Most of Carol's posts are exaggerate but not directly offensive. It is a much better approach to simply ignore them instead of replying and fueling it further.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Mon <p><!--EZCODE HR START--><hr /><!--EZCODE HR END--><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:orange;font-family:helvetica;font-size:x-small;">"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." </span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> - <!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:black;font-family:helvetica;font-size:x-small;">Einstein</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--><!--EZCODE HR START--><hr /><!--EZCODE HR END--></p><i></i>
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Re: You're welcome!

Postby JT Carrey » Mon Aug 11, 2003 4:51 am

Sorry about that Mon, but I express myself too much I guess. Claar, thanks, you pulled the words right out of my mouth <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/wink.gif ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> and everyone else, thanks for your support and opinions. <p><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:green;">~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:purple;">J.T. Carrey =0)</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:magenta;font-family:arial;font-size:x-small;">"It's better to go after something special and risk starving to death than to surrender, if you give up your dreams, what's left?"</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:teal;">- James Eugene Carrey</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--><br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.geocities.com/jt_carrey"><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:purple;"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>~*~My Website~*~</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.geocities.com/jimcarreyfanjt"><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:green;"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>~*~Jim Carrey Extreme~*~</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/biker.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/figleaf.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/luke.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/bill.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/vera.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/ace.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/mask.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/lloyd.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/riddler.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/chip.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/fletcher.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/truman.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/andy.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/tony.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/charlie.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/hank.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/grinch.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></p><i></i>
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Re: Your Welcome!

Postby JimCarreyschick » Mon Aug 11, 2003 3:04 pm

Your very Welcome JT Carrey!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>" Spank you very much"<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :aceb --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/ace.gif ALT=":aceb"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>" Excuse me I'd like to ass you a few questions"<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :acetalk --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/aceatalk.gif ALT=":acetalk"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br> <p></p><i></i>
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