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Postby Mia » Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:38 am

:oops: Sry Cotton...Em and I are both newbies and friends.
We should send each other pm messages more. :lol:
I like Simon Birch. I rented it last week and I hoping they might sell
it to me considering it's eight years old. Lots of movie sales recently.
(BTW, TNX so much for helping me with my sig. :wink: )
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Postby emilystagg » Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:42 pm

Actually we went from Simon Birch, to spiders to men snoring then back to Simon Birch. Random and weird but entertaining. Some interesting facts!

Anyway, I am still waiting for Simon Birch to arrive, I really want to watch it, but the time will soon come so I should stop complaining constantly!
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Postby Mia » Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:01 am

We have a free movie rental and I hope that maybe this weekend
I can ask to buy "Simon Birch." (It's not for sale, but it should be,
haven't found it anywhere else around here. :roll:)
Any suggestions for a really good movie Em? I'm not quite sure about
which movie I want to rent.
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Postby emilystagg » Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:57 pm

Tricky question, it depends on what genre you want to watch
comedy, Jim definetly,
sad movie, forest gump or love story, world trade centre
or maybe something by tim burton, his films are usually excellent.

This is very difficult! I shall keep thinking
Sorry my short selection is not that great, I am trying to think of some of the unusual movies I have seen.

Currently in America there is a film called Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker, a british film, I saw it when it came out here, it is quite good, I met the main actor Alex Pettyfer, he looks so amazing! I know you cannot rent it but I thought I would mention it
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Postby Mia » Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:09 am

TNX Emzie. :wink: My fave genres are comedy and suspense.
I love Tim Burton's work. He contributed to Gotham's dark appearance
in "Batman Forever" and I thought it was so cool. I like "Edward
Scissorhands," that's a good one. I'll consider renting "World Trade
Center"; haven't seen that one. :wink:
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Postby emilystagg » Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:37 pm

My favourite genres include comedy, romance and some suspence. I never knew he contributed to Gotham's darlkk appearance, thank you for that little fact. :D
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