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new Bruce Almighty WEB

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new Bruce Almighty WEB

Postby jimco » Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:35 pm

<!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:navy;font-family:times new roman;font-size:medium;">NEW ISRAELI WEB TO Bruce Almighty <br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.forum-film.co.il/MiniSites/Bruce Almighty/" target="top">bruce almighty ISRAELI WEB</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--><br>Bruce Almighty OPEN IN Israel 12 JUNY ON 56 Theater<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/happy.gif ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.geocities.com/jimcarrey882000/" target="top">Jim Carrey foreverrrrrrrrrr</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://grm.m.walla.co.il/clubs/2003/5/26/386275/An33tion1.gif" style="border:0;"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby grinchy steve » Fri Jun 06, 2003 2:14 pm

That poster is soooooooo <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/pimp.gif ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ...I'm trying to find allover the net. To buy. <p></p><i></i>
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Postby Nano75 » Fri Jun 06, 2003 4:00 pm

Look here:<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3331011611&category=1419">cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI....egory=1419</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>or<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3331020131&category=1419">cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI....egory=1419</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :eek --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/eek.gif ALT=":eek"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Re

Postby Jim Carrey Fan 4Lyfe » Sat Jun 07, 2003 5:19 am

That's Cool but I'd rather have one that's in English. I've never Learn how to speak or read in German back in high school. only Forigin langue class I took was Spanish & I Know Some of it. <p>-----------------<br>"Bruce Giveth & Bruce Taketh. Don't Like it? Then MegaByte Me" -Bruce (Jim Carrey) "Bruce Almighty"<br><br>(Ace Banging on Melissa's door in the Middle of the Night)<br>Melissa: Who is it?<br>Ace (O.S.): Ira.<br>Melissa: Ira who?<br>Ace (O.S.): I refuse to do a 'knock knock joke'. Come on, open up! -"Ace Ventura: Pet Dective"<br><br>"Conan O'Brien will beat out Jim Carrey for the lead role in The Mask part II. I'm sorry, did I say the The Mask part II? I meant Mask part II- the Rocky Dennis story." -Jim Carrey "In The Year 2000: The Carrey Edition" On "Late Night With Conan O'Brien"<br><br>"Jim Carrey will commit his first murder of a fan after someone who just saw Bruce Almighty approaches Carrey and says 'Almighty then!" -Conan O'Brien "In The Year 2000: The Carrey Edition" On "Late Night With Conan O'Brien"<br><br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/aceatalk.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--> My <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Jim_Carrey_Online/" target="top">Jim Carrey Group</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> & <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://invisionfree.com/forums/JimCarreyOnlineUSA//" target="top">JCO: A Jim Carrey Fan Forum</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/figleaf.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--></p><i></i>
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Postby Nano75 » Sun Jun 08, 2003 9:44 am

The first one IS in English!!! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/happy.gif ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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