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Different voice for Carrey in spanish Dumb To, please help

Discuss this movie. Available on DVD and Blu-ray.
Filming September 24 - November 2013

Different voice for Carrey in spanish Dumb To, please help

Postby chip » Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:26 pm

Universal Pictures Spain has changed the usual voices of Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber To.
It´s been 20 years with the same dubbing actor for Carrey in Spain. And now, for no reason they´ve changed his voice.

It´s a very wrong decision plus it being a sequel of a so loved film. To change these characters voices (Lloyd and Harry´s) would really ruin the film´s options here in Spain. So here we want to make Universal Spain know, and maybe the bigger Universal one too, that this is a terrible mistake. More than that in a film so expected like this.

Please, sign the petition if you want to help all the spanish fans that have been waiting for this so long and want it with its original voices; Otherwise the movie will fail in Spain, and it deserves very much more than that:


Thank you very much!

[url=http://www.change.org/es/peticiones/universal-pictures-spain-queremos-que-luis-posada-y-jordi-brau-doblen-a-Jim-Carrey-y-jeff-daniels-en-dos-tontos-todav%C3%ADa-más-tontos]Petition Dumb To[/url]
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