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Jim Carrey Forever in a new design!!!

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Jim Carrey Forever in a new design!!!

Postby Bex2 » Mon Jul 21, 2003 2:45 pm

Wow I just saw some parts of the new and improve site of Jim Carrey FOREVER... and it's amazing<br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.gifs.net/animate/2hulagirls.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.gifs.net/animate/dolphin.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><br>the site will be up completly in 4 days and there will be a cool galleries and the newest news ever... the owner really put alot in to it... so In 4 days you all will be able to see and to judge I'm sure it will be for your all sadisfaction<br> <p><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:navy;font-family:courier;font-size:large;">I still believe that after every storm eventually a Rainbow appears </span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--><br></p><i></i>
Copper Mountain
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Re: Jim Carrey Forever in a new design!!!

Postby jimcarreyisrael » Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:24 pm

thanks bex<br><br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://grm.m.walla.co.il/clubs/2003/7/21/411764/Animation4.gif" style="border:0;"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--> <p></p><i></i>
Peggy Sue Got Married
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Re: Wow! Cool!

Postby jimcarreyisrael » Tue Jul 22, 2003 5:52 pm

<!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:red;font-size:x-large;">more 2 deys</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> to the Big Event!!!!<br>The Premiere Of The Biggest English Site on Jim Carrey<br>Jim Carrey Forever <p></p><i></i>
Peggy Sue Got Married
Posts: 49
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 6:29 pm

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