Jim Carrey Online

Universal Photo

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Universal Photo

Postby spamms » Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:34 pm

I just can't find that Universal Studios group photo thingy so can anyone help me out here!?! <p></p><i></i>

Re: Universal Photo

Postby gothichyppie » Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:39 pm

Don't you mean <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Paramount</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->?<br><br>If so I think it was in the June or July 2002 edition of <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Vanity Fair</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> magazine... Just be sure and you may be able to find it on <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.ebay.com" target="top">EBAY</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <p><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="font-family:georgia;"><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>A n d r e a</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></p><i></i>
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